Life Well Lived

I still remember that day at my friend’s birthday party in Fairfax, Virginia. I was around 8 years old and was the new one in town. As we went inside the house and entered one of the bedrooms, we came across a scene that stayed in my mind forever. There were piles and piles of clothes and toys all around the room. It was rather hard to find the bed inside the bed-room. This impacted me deeply.

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If you want to lower down your chances of respiratory allergies and asthma, watch out for these 3 indoor allergens: dust mites, mold, and cockroaches. There are more indoor allergens, but these have something in common: although they feed on different kinds of food, they love humidity.
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Have you ever heard of the “love hormone”, “bonding hormone”, or the “cuddle hormone”? It’s not a magic spell and not only found in fairy tales. The great news is that we all have access to it and it can have a positive impact on our well-being. Its real name is Oxytocin and when we release it, it brings us closer together to those around us. It has psychological and physical benefits too!  Find out about its benefits and how to release this hormone.
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