Life Well Lived
2019- 2020 Flu Season: Influenza has been around the US for quite a while (most known as “flu”). According to the latest preliminary estimates from the CDC, “So far, 14,000 people have died and 250,000 people have been hospitalized during the 2019-2020 flu season.” This is definitely something we should be aware of and take all the precautions that we can.
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We have received a few questions about the new DOE 2019 Dehumidifier rating, so we wanted to take the time to go over these new changes and how they affect you and your dehumidifier. 
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Confused about whether you should use a dehumidifier during winter months? Some people will tell you that you shouldn’t while others will tell you that you should. So, who’s right and who’s wrong? Find out for here.
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