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Pump? Or, no pump? That’s the question.

Confused Man

You may be confused about whether you should get a dehumidifier with pump or not. Here we explain the difference between one with a pump and one with no pump so you can select the best one according to your needs.

But first…  Do I need a dehumidifier?

Not sure if you need a dehumidifier? Here’s an easy way to know: just check the indoor relative humidity levels in your space with a hygrometer. If they’re above 55%, then you’ll definitely need one.

Why? Because above these levels humidity can begin to affect your quality of life. One of the main reasons is that mold and dust mites can begin to grow (they love moisture) and this can affect your health, especially when it comes to your respiratory system. According to Shawn Bean founder of Matrix Health and Wellness, recent research suggests that mold can even begin growing above indoor relative humidity levels of 45%.

Note that relative indoor humidity can vary from month to month, so you should monitor levels all year round. You can check a US map of current levels in your location here.

How does a dehumidifier work?

A dehumidifier helps you get rid of excess humidity by sucking moisture from the air and collecting it. The water collected from the air by the dehumidifier can be drained in different ways. This depends on your dehumidifier model. You can make the selection based on the design of your space.

TOSOT Dehumidifier Features

Drain feature

Regular dehumidifier

(20 pint, 35 pint, 50 pint)

Dehumidifier with pump

(50 pint dehumidifier with internal pump)

Drain bucket Included Included
Gravity hose Feature included (hose must be purchased separately).  Feature included (hose must be purchased separately). 
Pump feature  Not included Included. Quick-connect hose for pump feature is included.


Here we explain the different options that you have.

1. Collecting the water in the drain bucket

This feature is available on all TOSOT dehumidifier models. Use it if you don't have a drain nearby. 

dehumidifier drain bucket

  • Water is collected inside the drain bucket found at the front side of your dehumidifier.
  • Once the bucket is full, the dehumidifier will shut-off automatically. The “Full" light will illuminate to let you know that it should be emptied.
  • You'll need to empty the bucket and put it back in your unit so it can begin running again.
  • Depending on the amount of humidity in your space you’ll have to empty it more often (in various cases more than once per day)
    2. Gravity drain hose feature
    This feature is available on all TOSOT dehumidifiers.
    Dehumidifier gravity drain hose

    If you have a nearby drain, you can use this feature. Just make sure that the drain is located lower than the drain outlet on the unit (as it works with gravity).

    • To use this feature you’ll need a Standard US garden hose at ¾ inches with female connection.
    • Once you attach a hose to the unit, the water should drain smoothly.
    • If the drain hose is located higher than the drain outlet, the dehumidifier will use the drain bucket.
    • This feature will allow continuous draining.
    3. Using the pump feature
    This feature is only available on the TOSOT 50 Pint dehumidifier with internal pump model.
    Dehumidifier with pump

    It allows you to drain the water to a sink or through a window. It doesn’t matter if the ending point is higher than the outlet of the unit.

    • All you need to do is connect the quick-connect hose that comes with the dehumidifier.
    • The drain hose can now run vertically or horizontally into a drain receptacle of your choice, up to 15 feet.
    • This will allow continuous draining.
    • If you have a sink or window nearby and you just want to make your life easier, this option is perfect for you. 

    To summarize:

    1. Use the drain bucket if you don’t have a drain nearby.
    2. Use the gravity hose if you have a drain nearby that’s located lower than the drain outlet on your dehumidifier.
    3. Use the internal pump feature if you have a nearby sink or window where you can let the water out. As simple as that! It will definitely make your life easier. 

    All options work great!


    Get your favorite one:

    TOSOT dehumidifier

    20 Pint Dehumidifier, 35 Pint Dehumidifier, 50 Pint Dehumidifier, 50 Pint Dehumidifier with Internal Pump 


    TOSOT Dehumidifier Reviews

    Drain Bucket - 35 pint TOSOT Dehumidifier

    “Quiet. The sound it makes is not intrusive like my previous dehumidifier. I empty the bucket a lot but then that means it's working.” R. Pearson, September 19, 2018


    Gravity Hose- 50 pint TOSOT Dehumidifier

    “Great product. Just slipped it out of the box and into use. It’s sleek looking and quiet. I also got the hose and run it to my basement floor drain. Saves a lot of water hauling trips because this one WORKS!” Shari M Wells, September 3, 2018

    “Runs constantly to battle the humidity in my store's basement. Works well, direct draining to the sump pump is the way to go!” Jeff Klein, September 7, 2018

    Dehumidifier with Pump- 50 pint TOSOT Dehumidifier with Internal Pump

    “So far this product is doing a fabulous job. I have it in my basement and it has pulled every inch of moisture out of there. The pump is working great saving me from having to empty it.” Cheryl T, September 28, 2018.


    Other information you may find interesting:

    How to Select the Correct Dehumidifier

    How to Connect the Internal Pump on a TOSOT Dehumidifier


    If you have any questions on how to use any of our units, always feel free to reach us at


    Hi Eric! You can find the Instruction Manuals on our Product Pages under the User Manual tab. Or simply, click here:

    TOSOT Direct Family

    Where Are The Instruction Manuals on this website?


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